Technology Takeaways
The modest results towards technology in this survey throw into focus the disconnect between how fast technology is advancing and how painstakingly slow it can be to integrate it effectively into a business. Often this is due to a lack of expertise when it comes to implementing tech within a business.
From a tech perspective, data is the area where the biggest gains are to be achieved but also the area with many pain points, including data capture, cleaning, structuring, synthesising and more.

Dave Naab
Please assess the effectiveness any new technology (AI, machine learning, etc.) in the following areas so far:
(Multiple answer allowed)

In which of the following areas are you looking at automation to drive operational performance?
Which of the following is the biggest challenge surrounding data analytics?

“Accessing the latest technology in your field is crucial. But equally important is partnering with experts who understand the tech inside out, who know how to integrate it into your architecture, to deliver efficiencies and maximise results for your business. At Aztec, our high-touch, relationship-led approach is complemented by high-tech – we use market-leading technology, enabling us to optimise your operations, achieve greater efficiencies and maintain the highest standards in quality control and information security.”

Dave Naab
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